Git cheat sheet

suresh pradhana

Git Cheat Sheet: Essential Commands


git --version

git config --list

git config --global "suresh"

git config --global ""

git init initialize git repository

git status inspecting

git add . adds files to the staging area

.gitignore files in git ignore are ignored while pushing into repository

git reset . untrack changes

git add main.ts add sing file

git commit -m "write message here" commits with message

git log info about all commits

git commit -a -m "fix:typo" add and commit at same time

git remote

git remote which remote repositories you are connected with

git remote add origin https://link

git remote -v shows links

git remote show origin additional info about repo

git push

git push origin master pushes to remote repo from local repo

-u set origin to upstream remote (it allows us to use git pull)

git push origin master -u

when the remote repo is one commit ahead of local repo

git merge

fetch the changes from remote repo and commit new changes and merge

git fetch

git merge origin/master

git pull

git pull origin master if -u is used we can use

git pull

git clone

git clone url

github codespaces

. jut hit . in github project you can know play around with code in cloud based vscode editor in web

git branch

git branch list of all branches in current project

git branch -M main rename master branch to main

git branch newbranch creates new branch

git branch -d newbranch delete a branch

git branch -D newbranch delete a branch forcefully


git checkout branchname switches to other branch

git checkout -b cool creates new branch and switches to it

git checkout - switches to previous branch

merge conflicts

2 Branches Modify the same code

git merge

if you want to go back due to conflict

git merge --abort

if you want to merge by handling you can use merge commit

git add .

git commmit -m "merge:fixed conflict"


used when working on open source project

pull request

request to developer for merging in open source project

Tip for being connected to original repo to get updates

git remote add upstream url link to repo

git fetch upstream to update repo

git rebase udtream/master add changes to on to p of your changes

git reset

git reset remove last staging

git reset id

git reset --hard id gets back and removes changes files also

don’t use reset as other developers are rely on it

git revert

git log

git revert id commit doesnt lost its still in history

revert is better to use than reset its better to use revert when working on team

git ammend

change commit without reseting and reverting

modifies the last commit

git commit -am "bad message"

git commit —amend -m “message”

if you want to add staging files with past commit

git add .

git commit —amend --no-edit

git stash

save your work for later

without comitting it

git stash

git stash pop

git stash save psot1 to save with name to remember what it is for

git stash list

git stash apply 1

git rebase

keep feature in sync

without extra merge commits

git rebase master

Tip: work on duplicate feature branch and use rebase if it is not throeing any bugs try on original feature branch

git squash

combining commits together

git rebase master --interactive

squash 838483 1

squash 833383 2

squash 834583 3

save and close and edit commit message

git log

now we can see only one commit combining all commits together